Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Quick Trip to D.C.

     I have to say, I love that I can go visit one of my best girlfriend's in only 2.5 hours! :-) I had the joy of visiting my sweet friend and her husband in D.C. for the day. We had a lovely afternoon in the sunshine walking the mall and exploring the sites of our nation's capitol. We also took pictures of me at the WWII memorial in front of all of the states I've been to (or through) this year...there are quite a few...fun times and sweet memories made.

.been friends for over 10 years now. :-)
.the new MLK Jr. memorial. phenomenal.
.WWII Memorial.
.home for 6 months.
.just passing through.
.another pass through state.

.college state.

.what's one more state to pass through?.

.visit to the capitol.
.home for 1 month - being aunt kate.

.home for 10 years.
.home for 2 weeks...so far.
     What a year. I'm thankful for each and every experience this year has brought to me...many more to come while learning patience, quietness, & confidence...waiting on the Lord in the midst.

     So moving on from too many pictures of me - I leave you with a picture of a recent yummy treat I made - Fruit & Nut Pinwheels. Yum! See, I don't just travel - still cooking & baking like always! Big hugs to all!

.Fruit & Nut Pinwheels.

1 comment:

  1. Love this post! I didn't know you'd been to visit Sterling...I've been a BAD sister lately! Thanks for the reminder to catch up!
