Sunday, April 24, 2011

Natural, Nurturing, & Nourishing!

Happy Easter to all!
May you be blessed today as we celebrate a RISEN King! Hallelujah!

     These three words came to my mind today - Natural, Nurturing, & Nourishing. I'd like to start asking myself the following question: Are my words, actions, thoughts, choices, purchases/investments, eating habits natural, nurturing, & nourishing? I enjoy these three words as you can view each from a physical, mental, emotional, & spiritual perspective. Are you living a natural, nurturing, and nourishing lifestyle?

    Today I offer you a delicious and simple plant-based recipe (adapted from Clean Food). This would be a perfect recipe for Memorial Day next month...or tonight's dinner! They are delicious - I made them this weekend and served them alongside sauteed mushrooms, fennel, and asparagus. Beautifully nutritious!

Millet & Bean Patties!


1/2 cup millet
1 1/2 cups water
1 Tbsp olive oil
1 medium onion, minced
3/4 cup diced carrots
1/4 tsp sea salt
2 tsp Chile powder
1 tsp paprika
1 Tbsp ground cumin
3/4 cup cooked pinto or black beans
1/2 cup corn, fresh or frozen
Freshly ground back pepper or hot pepper sauce
1/3 cup cornmeal

Preparing Millet:

Rinse millet and combine with water. Bring to a boil then reduce heat to low and cook until all water is absorbed (about 15-20 minutes). Remove from heat and set aside to cool slightly.

Preparing Patties:

In a large skillet, saute onion and carrots in oil until soft. Add salt, chile powder, parika, and cumin. Stir to combine and add beans and corn. Remove from heat. Add cooked millet and mash together with a potato masher or a fork. Stir in cornmeal a little at a time until batter is stiff. Taste for seasonings.

Preheat large skillet over medium heat. Use 2 Tbsp oil for pan-frying. Scoop out 1/4 cup of mixture and form into a patty. Place patties in skillet and pan-fry until golden brown. Fry 3-4 minutes per side.
**Serve with avocado or homemade hummus. For an even heartier meal, serve with an Ezekiel Burger Bun topped with tomatoes, cabbage, lettuce, pickles, organic ketchup, etc.

Makes about 10 patties.

Enjoy! Be well. Treat your body with care.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


     What a beautiful week it has been! I hope you all have been blessed with moments that are allowing you to grow as an individual! I've kept myself quite busy between work and school - but I'm staying healthy and soaking up all of the amazing concepts I've been learning on natural living and eating.

     My blessings of the week: received a delightful easter package from my mom - thanks mom! :) ... sold an item on ebay - my first time! ... talked with my dear Nana ... learned from a renowned macrobiotic educator and counselor, Warren Kramer ... and ...

     My father came to visit me this evening - what a treat! I had the pleasure of preparing him dinner- it was quite delicious, if I do say so myself. :-) On tonight's menu:
  • Nori-wrapped Sushi rolls with brown rice, tempeh, carrots, and
    avocado, served with a ginger-shoyu sauce
  • Rice noodles sauteed with coconut oil, red cabbage, bok choy,
    and ginger - garnished with fresh lime
  • (Perfectly) Pureed butternut squash soup garnished with walnuts

     We enjoyed ourselves - there was no time for a sweet tooth though as he had to get back on the road.  However, through the culinary education I've received so far, I was able to incorporate all five flavors (sweet, salty, bitter, sour, and pungent) in our meal and I didn't even plan it! It's becoming intuitive!! :-) Therefore, we felt quite satisfied at the end of our meal!

Sensational Sushi! :)
     Enjoy the start to a new weekend! Count your blessings & ask yourself, "What will I do today to make myself healthier?" Treat your body well - it will love you back by giving you a glow to your skin, a healthy view of your body, and an overall bright & fresh feeling!



Thursday, April 7, 2011

Happy Veg Anniversary to ME!

      Today marks my FIVE- year vegetarian anniversary!! I feel fantastic & healthier than ever. So of course, in celebration, I enjoyed a tasty dinner (made by yours truly) and indulged in some dessert! I delighted in quinoa pasta topped with red cabbage & collard greens sauteed with coconut oil! And for dessert - Chocolate Mousse :-) Yummy! (includes silken tofu, unsweetened cocoa powder, agave nectar, frozen banana, & a dollop of peanut butter). Don't let the "healthier" ingredients fool you - it is still considered a treat!

     Thanks to all of you who have always been very thoughtful to make sure I have something to eat & enjoy when I come to gatherings! :-) I appreciate it!

     Why not make your next meal VEG?! :-)

With love & best dishes! Yes, a Paula Deen saying...ironic? Perhaps.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Chew, Chew, Chew Your Food!

     I know I've already posted in the past about chewing, but we all can use the friendly reminder to chew our food well! In fact, I need to remind myself daily to slow down. Ideally, we should chew each bite 32x...50x is even better! For those of you who find it difficult to concentrate on chewing or you lose count too easily, try singing this little song I just learned from the book Power Eating Program by Lino Stanchich.

(To the tune of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat")

Chew, Chew, Chew your food
Gently through the meal
The more you chew the less you eat
The better you will feel!

     By the time you sing through this song twice, you will have chewed 50 times!!! Power Eating Program is a fantastic book on understanding that not only are we what we eat, but also how we eat. Ah, it is amazing! If you desire to reach optimal health, heal your body from illness, maximize the energy you receive from your food, improve your digestion, etc., please check out this book. It is an easy read, but packed full of what could be life-changing information...if you are willing to accept the principles...give it a chance! :-)

     Remember, food is not just edible material that keeps our stomachs from growling. It is so much more. It can offer us energy that we don't even know we are capable of experiencing!

     My challenge to you for the week:
          1. Sit quietly and peacefully for one meal each day to focus on your food and how you eat.
          2. Pay attention to how the food makes you feel and your number of chews per bite.
          3. After you are finished, think about the the amount you ate and at what speed. Did you eat as much as you normally do or did a smaller amount satisfied your needs? Did you eat slower allowing for a greater appreciation for the food you prepared?

     As always, take this bountiful information I've presented as you please. Perhaps you won't practice it this week, but maybe in a few months you'll try it. Changing your eating habits may not happen can take a long time to accept different ideas (...not crazy ideas ;-)) and to change our ways. Trust me, I've always been the one to finish my meal before everyone else...just ask, hm, pretty much anyone who knows me! So if I can do it, YOU CAN DO IT! :)

     Blessings to you and on your chews from a gal who is happily singing "Chew, chew, chew your food..." with each bite!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Healing Foods!

     Ah yes, the ridiculously high pollen count in Austin, Texas has played a number on me . :-( I've never had allergies in the past, but I am doing my best to manage. I guess I should back off on the bike-riding to school...I learned my lesson. From black elderberry, fruits high in vitamin C, lots of water & tea, irrigation of the ears, a neti pot, and other healing foods, I am slowly regaining my normal health back - hallelujah! :-)

     If you are suffering from a cold, sinus congestion, allergies, or simply desire a powerful, healthy, and healing soup, please give this recipe a try! I made this soup this afternoon and tailored it to my body was thankful and very pleased!

A Healing & Soothing Soup

*I encourage you to use organic ingredients as often as possible.*
½ cup diced red onions
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 large carrot, chopped, set aside leafy carrot tops
¼ cup red lentils, uncooked
4 cups water or vegetable stock
2 collard green leaves, chopped
½ cup chopped red cabbage
carrot tops, roughly chopped
dash pepper
pinch of sea salt
dash nutmeg
dash cinnamon
Sauté onion and garlic cloves in ¼ cup of water. After 3-4 minutes, add chopped carrots, lentils and 1 cup water. Cook for 15-20 minutes, covered. Once lentils and carrots are cooked through, add collard greens, cabbage, carrot tops, pepper, salt, nutmeg and cinnamon. Simmer for an additional 5 minutes to allow flavors to combine.
Yields – 3-4 servings

A soup to surely soothe your ailment...and fresh flowers are always uplifting!

Why do I claim this is a healing soup? Check out the amazing contributions from the ingredients I used!

Onions & Garlic
·        rejuvenating on all tissues and body systems
·         Helpful for colds, bronchial disorders, joint problems, cysts, and fluid retention
·         3000 B.C. garlic was used for cancer & leprosy
·         Best source of beta carotene
·         Cleanses the body of impurities
·         Anti-inflammatory
·         Energizing
·         Useful in respiratory conditions
·         high levels of protein, iron, and fiber
Collard Greens
·         High in vitamin C and fiber
·         Strengthens immune system
·         Anti-inflammatory & draws out infection
·         Decreases headache pain
·         Red cabbage is high in iron – ideal to eat cooked rather than raw to avoid constipation
·         Digestive stimulant
·         Energy producing
·         Stimulates blood & increases circulation
·         Reduces fat
·         Calming, sleep-inducing
·         Strengthens heart & eases menstruation
·         Improves appetite & digestion
·         Only use in small quantities as high amounts may be toxic – 1 tsp or less
·         Digestive aid, diuretic
·         Aphrodisiac
·         Analgesic
·         Anti-yeast agent
·         Useful for colds and sinus congestion
Information gathered from The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Healing Remedies by C. Norman Shealy (2002 ed.)
This is an EXCELLENT book to guide you through natural remedies to maintain or regain your optimal health!
Blessings on your health!